Valerie Williams is a Business Consultant, Strategist and Serial Entrepreneur.
She has worked in the Healthcare Industry for over 20 years, working for companies such as, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Ma, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare, and Medical Information Technologies & the Massachusetts Department of Public Health where she served in the roles as an Enrollment and Billing Account Manager and Healthcare Systems Analyst.
She began her journey into entrepreneurship in 2017 and learning the industry, the opportunities that existed, the various business structures and most importantly, what models would fit her best.
She learned what was needed to be a successful entrepreneur, as well as the strengths & weaknesses that come along when transitioning from a 9 to 5 job into entrepreneurship.
As a result, this grew into much more than Valerie anticipated, and opened up a many opportunity, including becoming a member of Terry Wilson3!
Valerie continues to pursues her passion for what she’s learned over the years to assist others in their business pursuits, how to achieve more, liberate individuals from the limitations of financial restrain, lack of fresh knowledge & cutting edge resources to scale their business to the next level!
Valerie has a strong work ethic and drive which allows her to go the distance not on only in her personal pursuits but also in working with others.
She brings professional clear, direct approach and understanding of the ebbs and flows of Entrepreneurship & Business.
Her Current Accomplishments & Activities include:
Kingdom Business Association- Ft Mill, SC
Kingdom Builders Academy-Del Rey Beach, FL
14 Day Challenge Ministry & Business Consulting-Netherlands
Marketing Hackers Group-Netherlands
Joseph Business School- Forest Park, IL
Recipient of the Strathmore Worldwide Honors Leadership & Achievement Award
Editing of her 1st book- Ancients Paths of the Heart
E-Course: The Mirror into Entrepreneurship
Social Media Content Writer, Blogger, Radio & Podcast Personality
Real Estate & Financial Investor
Millionaires Club-Murfreesboro, TN