- Understand the person that you are speaking with find their pain, problem & solve it.
- Potential buyers may not be fully forthcoming. Make sure you are and ask open ended questions.
- It takes some effort & cost to obtain something. Explain there is cost in everything.
- Does the individual see value and want what you are offering or are they just trying to give you a hard time?
- Do they recognize the need? Get people to understand that they are responsible for their wellbeing.
- Confirm the objection the person has stated & make sure you are hearing what is being said to you. Repeat the objection back to them, so they can hear how they sounded.
- Address the fears-what is driving the fear. Do so asking a question, identify with their fear & turn the fear around to a positive. Bring up the fear before the person does.
If you need assistance in overcoming objections, driving more leads & increaing your revenue please contact me at: valeriew.terrywilson3.net/contact